〒166-0002 東京都杉並区高円寺北2-3-4 高円寺ビルB1 |
JR中央線、JR総武線 高円寺駅 徒歩2分 |
03-3339-2727(18:00 〜 24:30) |
営業時間:18:30 〜 25:00 定休日:無し(または不定休) |
http://jirokichi.net |
特定商取引法に基づく表示 |
A live venue in Koenji, Tokyo. A place that connects music and people. Every day, new music is created in this space, enriched by friends, food, and drink.
Throughout the 1970’s, the founder of JIROKICHI traveled around Europe, and witnessed the power live houses had to bring people from different backgrounds together through their love of music. It was this motivation to use the power of music to promote peace and friendship that JIROKICHI was opened in 1975.
JIROKICHI is one of Japan’s leading live houses, having hosted a number of legendary performances in Japanese jazz and rock history.
We host musicians of different genres, with lively performances every night.
We’re a live house for music lovers.