2020年には関西のトップミュージシャンによるバンド「ブルーザホリック」を結成、2021年3月に自身3枚目となるミニアルバム「ブルーザホリック」をBSMF RECORDSよりリリースした。同アルバム収録のオリジナル曲「Like A Woman」はイギリスで開催されたUKソングライティングコンテストにてブルース部門1位を獲得している。
DAVINA ROBINSON is an American Blues singer-songwriter originally from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA.
Her signature blues-rock-soul sound, prominently heard in her original CD releases The Blazing Heart and Black Rock Warrior Queen, has garnered various notices and accolades, notably Honorable Mention from the Billboard Songwriting Contest and the Hiram Bullock Award. Davina also has represented Hard Rock Cafe Osaka in the worldwide Hard Rock Rising Contest. She also has appeared on the “Blues City” episode of the NHK WORLD series, Journeys.
Her newest release is the mini-album Bluesaholic, recorded with several notable musicians, including drummer Taro Takagi of The Savoy Truffle and bassist Ko Shimizu, bassist for Naniwa Express. A song from that album, “Like a Woman”, won the award for Best Blues Song in the UK Songwriting Contest. The mini-album is a return to Davina’s soul- and rock-influenced blues style.
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