日程 | 2020年05月04日(月) | ||
開場 | 18:30 | 開演 | 19:30 |
前売 | 3000円 | 当日 | 3500円 |
備考 | 要2オーダー | ||
会場 | KEYSTONE CLUB TOKYO キーストンクラブ東京 | ||
主催 | (同上) | ||
出演 | Grace Mahya (vo) |
Grace Mahya グレースマーヤ
2006年10月に発売されたファースト・アルバム『The Look of Love』では、現在のジャズ・フュージョン・シーンをリードする若手ミュージシャンを起用し、「キャラヴァン」や「マイ・フェイヴァリット・シングス」などのスタンダード・ソングから「マイ・ウェイ」、「リボン・イン・ザ・スカイ」などのポップス曲まで幅広く歌い上げた。時代に捉われない新しい感覚がグレース・マーヤを印象付ける衝撃的なデビュー作となった。
2007年2月には老舗ジャズ・スポット「DUG」での最後を飾るライヴを収録したジャズ史に残るライヴ・アルバム『Last Live at DUG』を発売すると、早くも次作の制作に取り掛かり同年10月には、3枚目のアルバム『Just the Two of Us』を発表。アレンジャーにはポップス・シーンで数多くの有名アーティストを送り出してきた笹路正徳等を起用。待望のオリジナル楽曲を2曲収録し、ジャズ、ポップス、ソウル、ラテンと幅広いジャンルのヒット・ナンバーをヴォーカル・スタイルに徹して挑戦した意欲作となった。また、FM放送でのバイリンガル・パーソナリティが好評を得て、その隠された才能が開花した。
2008年7月には4枚目のアルバム『The Girl from Ipanema』を発売し、ボサ・ノヴァの新女王誕生とささやかれるような反響を得る。
2013年5月15日に6枚目のアルバム「Close To You」がDaiki Musicaから発売。今回も彼女のプロデュースで二作目となる。メンバーはPoincianaのアルバムのメンバーにドラムが入り、これはまた豪華な仕上がり。
2015年1月7日に7枚目のアルバム、”Season Songs”, King Recordのハイレゾルーションでの録音がCD
2016年7月6日に8枚目のアルバム、”Love songs for you” , King Recordのハイレゾルーションでの録音とCDが発売されました。
Hello! I'm a jazz singer and pianist. I started learning classical piano at the age of 3. Continued to study under many pianists, and went on to study further in Germany at the music university of Freiburg. I lived in Germany for 6-7 years, and as I was back in Japan, I fell in love with “Jazz” and "BLUES”. It struck my heart. It felt like a puzzle fit right in place. (Not squeezing the similar pieces in the slot!!) Oh~ what freedom!
So there was my first album October 2006 "The Look of Love", and a new name "Grace Mahya". "Grace" because my producer at the time Yasohachi Itoh '88' adores Grace Kelly. And "Mahya" is my real name. People ask me what should I call you? Grace ? Mahya? Yeah.... good question. 'Whichever' would be my honest answer. They are both first names!
Then comes my second album in February 2007. "Last live at DUG". It is a live recording of a christmas concert 2006 and the last live performance at DUG. It was an amazing night, brings me right back to that night when I hear this.
My third album, October 2007 "Just the two of us". A very funky album in all kinds of style. And my fourth album came out July 2008, "The girl from Ipanema". Mainly Bossa Nova, for the 50th anniversary of Bossa Nova. It was quite a challenge with the language. English and French I learned in school, German I learned in Germany but Portuguese is a language I always wanted to learn but never got to. Hopefully soon!
My fifth album came out 12/7/2011 and is my first produced album. I wanted to celebrate my 5th anniversary of my debut, and challenge myself reflecting the five years, and it was also not really a celebrating year in Japan so I wanted to make an album which could bring some warmth and coziness and most of all a relaxing album to ease the crazy year. And so came this album. It is pretty much like a live recording in the mountains, which was absolutely beautiful and so at peace. We all were definitely in one harmony. I really hope you can feel it and can enjoy it.
May 15, 2013, I released my Sixth Album! My second produced album. This time I’ve added drums to my Poinciana Album members. It’s definitely very hip and fun! Lots of jazz, and amazing arranged songs by Jun Miyakawa. Please check it out.
I am giving concerts around Japan, doing radio shows, and hoping people can find joy and peace through music, even if it would be for a moment. That’s definitely a start isn’t it? Recently I’ve started to perform my own songs at my shows. My plans for my next album...!
January 7th 2015, High Resolution Recording by King Record came out, “Season Songs”. Lots of standards, swinging all the way. Starting with All Blues by Miles Davis, we all have the blues in our hearts... then the whole year starts. Starting with spring~winter. I hope you’ll enjoy it.
July 6th 2016, another High Resolution Recording and CD by King Record came out! “Love Songs For You”. Many standards, and mainly my first Happy Love Songs were gathered into this album. Pure, straight, mainly happy love songs. First type of album for me ;)
Feel it! Enjoy it!